I posed the question on my Facebook page & received roughly the same answer from everyone. Thank you for your feedback!! We can all agree that parenting is a 24 hour a day responsibility that comes with lots of laughter, hugs & kisses but it also comes with making the decisions that are going to be best for our little ones. What I am about to share is my opinion. So, I want to prepare you for some sarcasm, some laughter & the opportunity to embrace another's viewpoint on becoming a parent.
In my opinion, calling parenting a job, makes it sound impersonal. Let me explain...when we are at our jobs, we are dealing with strangers...people who don't really know who we are. And for me, I have operated under the reality that we never really know the people we work with because we don't see them outside of work. They only see the work us, not the personal us. Obviously this doesn't apply to everyone. But it does for me. And I consider work me & home me as two different people. I do not go home at night & try to sell tea to Burk...haha!! When I go home, I am there to love him & build our life's together. If we call parenting a job, how would that apply when there are those out there who hate their jobs? And only have them as a means to support their families. These people will probably never put into a job what they will put into loving their spouse & children. However, I am perfectly fine with comparing parenting to community service..it's forced on some & you don't get paid. Or maybe it's a you do the crime you do the time kind of scenario, sex is the crime & the time comes 9 months later with an 18 yr sentence!!! But for me, I don't see this as job.
I think there's a special (like stop eating the paste, kind of special haha) group of people out there that put themselves above those who don't have kids & make very overstated comments about what being a parent is really like, to throw off others & make them feel less than adequate for their choices in life. I have seen it for years now. And I believe that it's years of this being passed down from generation to generation that has led to the negative stereotype that parenting is a job. But in reality parenting is a journey, with ups & downs, lessons galore, hugs, kisses, sometimes it's easy but sometimes it's not & it can seem like a job but it's LIFE. And it's why we are here. To love others, to take care of those around us.
Here are some aspects of jobs & parenting that differ:
Jobs Parenting
Given to 1 person Given to 2 ppl
Get time off 24/7
Payment in $ Payment in hugs, kisses, smiles, laughter
People tell you what to do You & your spouse are the boss
Interview process No interview process
Get a lunch break No food for you, haha!!!
Can be fired, laid off Can never be fired or laid off
Burk & I have put so much into this already...just in the last 2 months. I have come home at night and crashed just from the sheer exhaustion & the emotional aspects of making this decision. But I have never thought about this as a job. After all the bible tells us that children are a blessing, a reward!! And I intend to continue to fully embrace, every moment of this journey. Praying that our efforts to conceive pay off sooner than later. And that we are forever changed into better people because of this. That's all for now.
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