I have been putting too much pressure on myself, when it comes to this baby making stuff. Everyone kept saying that we just needed to have fun but I didn't understand what that meant. Well I can officially say that we just had fun this month. The details are highly entertaining & I have shared with several of you how we did things this time around but I won't post that on here (cut to the applause). Even though it took a while to grasp this "just have fun" concept. Honestly, I think that I had to stress out to figure out how to relax. Sounds crazy but it's a journey that we have to take for ourselves. Even though the "fun" is over & the waiting begins again, I am hopeful that I will find a new level of peace in knowing that this is in God's hands. And with each passing month, I am thankful to be presented with the opportunity to give things up to him, one more time. It's really teaching me a lot!
Even though I am trying not to stress...someone asked me recently, if I had something personal going on at home because I have been so stressed out lately. Inside my head, I wanted to scream YES, I am trying to conceive a child...where have you been? But I didn't, I remained calm. And I am very proud of that. I understand that until you have tried, it's impossible to grasp the challenges that come along with this. But the smallest things are setting me off right now. Even though I am trying so hard to breathe, relax & not let anything get to me. But I am not perfect & I slip up...A LOT!!
However, I am so thankful that God has given us an amazing support system of friends. One's who happily walk up to us in public & share that they are praying for us. So many people have done it, we need it so bad & we feel those prayers everyday, thank you so very much (you know who you are)!!! Keep those prayers coming!