Thursday, April 9, 2015

Just Have Fun & Don't Stress Out

I have been putting too much pressure on myself, when it comes to this baby making stuff. Everyone kept saying that we just needed to have fun but I didn't understand what that meant. Well I can officially say that we just had fun this month. The details are highly entertaining & I have shared with several of you how we did things this time around but I won't post that on here (cut to the applause). Even though it took a while to grasp this "just have fun" concept. Honestly, I think that I had to stress out to figure out how to relax. Sounds crazy but it's a journey that we have to take for ourselves.  Even though the "fun" is over & the waiting begins again, I am hopeful that I will find a new level of peace in knowing that this is in God's hands. And with each passing month, I am thankful to be presented with the opportunity to give things up to him, one more time. It's really teaching me a lot!

Even though I am trying not to stress...someone asked me recently, if I had something personal going on at home because I have been so stressed out lately. Inside my head, I wanted to scream YES, I am trying to conceive a child...where have you been? But I didn't, I remained calm. And I am very proud of that. I understand that until you have tried, it's impossible to grasp the challenges that come along with this. But the smallest things are setting me off right now. Even though I am trying so hard to breathe, relax & not let anything get to me. But I am not perfect & I slip up...A LOT!!

However, I am so thankful that God has given us an amazing support system of friends. One's who happily walk up to us in public & share that they are praying for us. So many people have done it, we need it so bad & we feel those prayers everyday, thank you so very much (you know who you are)!!! Keep those prayers coming!


1 comment:

  1. It's a requirement to stress before having fun. Lol. And it's not just wait time it's still fun time. Do small things for each other, couples massages, movies, and dinner at adult restaurants. Things you won't get to do when you do have a little one.
