Bump Coming Soon!! |
We are so excited to finally announce this to everyone!!!! I knew I was pregnant 8 DPO (days post ovulation). In fact, I considered the pregnancy test a mere formality to prove that I really did know what was going on inside my body. I took the test & handed it to Burk & said, "I told you so" a phrase he is all too familiar with after 10 years of marriage. It was incredibly satisfying, not only to realize how in tune I am with my body but that we were able get pregnant again only 3 weeks post miscarriage, what a blessing from God. By the way, my mom knew she was pregnant with me before she ever went to the doctor & I knew with ours..so it was perfect!!
For the first week, no one knew but the 2 of us, my sister & one very special already pregnant friend. My parents were on a cruise, in the middle of the ocean & we had agreed to not tell them until they got back. So for an entire week, I had to keep quiet...it was killing me. But I think they knew regardless. Mom started sending me text messages the moment they boarded the ship that were clearly messages from God telling me not to stress out about it.
When they finally arrived home, we ran over to their house & presented them with a card that told them they were going to be grandparents!!! Elaina, my sweet 9 year old niece had helped me make it & it was so cute! It read...
Cost of this card: FREE
Cost of you fleeing the country the week we find out we are pregnant: RIDICULOUS haha
The look on your face when you find out you are going to be grandparents again: PRICELESS!!!
Right now, my symptoms are pretty normal & they fluctuate from day to day...bloating, sore boobs, hungry all the time, etc. But my hormones are by far my most interesting part thus far. I have gone from laughing to crying to laughing to wanting to punch people in the face, all in about 5 mins. And Burk just laughs. He is very lucky that I view his laughter as being directed at the hormones themselves & not me.
When we went in for our last check up, my OBGYN practically bounced into the room happy to see baby's progress!!! She has been cautiously optimistic since we miscarried back in April but all that changed when we finally saw the yoke sac on the ultrasound. She told us how excited she was getting & that she wasn't leaving town for her vacation until we get to hear the heartbeat. She literally scheduled us for another appointment, mere hours before she leaves on vacation so we can relax while she's gone. What a blessing she is!!
Here's a little background on the names, Charlotte was my mom's sister that passed away when they were 9 years old, she & my mom both had polio. No one in our family has ever used the name before, so it seems perfect. Ironically, Princess Charlotte was born about the same time that we were considering the name. Princess Diana & Charles announced their engagement the day my sister Diana was born, so we have a long history with names & the royal family. Now Nash, which is short for Nashville, was something we came up with on our annual trip to Nashville to visit friends.
We have really enjoyed sharing the news with people privately over the last few weeks. We have really tried to savor these moments & only share with those we felt needed to know, early on. But as things have progressed we are more than thrilled to share our news with everyone!!! Please know that you are an important part of this & we know that you will help us build a strong Christian foundation for our child. Thanks for all the prayers & support, we appreciate them more than you will ever know!!!
Angie, Burk & Baby Charlotte Nash